I hope everyone is doing well! Today we wanted to share some exciting information about a few new supplements we will be carrying in the office. They come from a company called Pharmaden and they have created 3 dental supplements focused on periodontal health. These three products are called PerioTherapy, OsteoTherapy, and PerioCare. Here is how they work:
PerioTherapy: This supplement is designed to help support the immune system to promote normal gum health. The ingredients selected to formulate this supplement are balanced to achieve the ultimate bio-availability (which is the body's ability to absorb nutrients). It is a diligent homecare program, that along with personalized care from your dentist and hygienist are key components to good oral health. Some of the ingredients include: Vitamin C, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, Echinacea Angustifolia Root, Grape Seed Extract, and CoQ-10. This is used as a 60 day regiment to kick start getting the mouth healthy again.
OsteoTherapy: This is a remineralization supplement. Bone loss support and mineral support is essential but sometimes overlooked in gum disease. This supplement is designed to provide mineral support to assist the body is maintaining bone density. The ingredients include: Calcium Citrate, Magnesium, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6 and B12, Folic Acid and Grape Seed Extract. Again this is used for 60 days.
PerioCare: This is designed to be the perfect compliment following PerioTherapy and helps maintain the results of the dentist's treatment. It is developed to enhance the body's host resistance. Some of the ingredients include: Vitamin C, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, Grape Seed Extract, and CoQ-10. This supplement is used after the 60 days of using PerioTherapy and OsteoTherapy to continue good oral health.
We are very excited to be carrying these new products and will be incorporating them into our normal hygiene program depending on the patient's needs and wants. So next time you are in, make sure to pick up and brochure and ask our staff about how these products can work for you! You can find more information on their website as well.
Take care,
Richard Stickney DDS