Thursday, December 15, 2011
Reduce Decay and Protect your smile
Our diets as Americans have changed drastically over the last several decades. It includes a substantial amount more of acidic and carbohydrate related foods. These cause oral and systemic acidity. There are several kinds of bacteria that use simple carbohydrates to breakdown a tooth’s minerals, creating opportunity for decay and cavities. Cavities are a preventable infectious disease if you balance your oral chemistry.
Sodas, fruit juices and sports drinks are highly acidic and have seemed to replace our water and milk consumption. Teeth start to demineralize at a pH level of 5.5. On average soft drinks to fruit juices, etc. have a pH level of 2.6-4.6 depending on the type of drink. Sports drinks and energy drinks have the strongest potential for tooth erosion.
Many medications diminish the protective flow of saliva resulting in acid buffering and micro repair to slowing or completely stopping. As we get older this protection lessens and the saliva available is less effective. It is important to not dilute remaining saliva with frequent drinking in these cases.
Enamel is about 98 percent mineralized; the crown of a tooth is much stronger and more resistant to acid attacks, than its roots. When roots are exposed due to bone and tissue loss they are at a higher risk for decay. So making better food choices, eating fewer fermentable carbohydrates and processed and acidic foods can help protect you teeth.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Two actions you can take to protect your health
Thursday, October 27, 2011
For Patients With Dental Insurance....Use It or Lose it!!
The way dental insurance companies help is by giving a annual benefit maximum amount. Most companies base this benefit period on the calender year, January thru December. Once the calender year is up that benefit amount refreshes, so any of the benefit amount that was not used the previous year goes away. We wanted to send out a reminder to all of you, to come in and get any of your treatment done before the end of the year so you can fully maximize your insurance benefits!
Our office will be open its normal business hours through this holiday season. We will only be closed on November 24th and December 26th.
Gives us a call and we would love to see you and help you get all you can out of those insurance companies!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
50% Less Radiation Exposure in our Office!
Last week we had our semi-annual x-ray inspection by the state of Washington. The inspector evaluates the x-ray machines for how much exposure there is from each individual x-ray. He also checks the software to be sure it is providing good images.
The inspector commented that our x-rays tested 50% or better than many of the other digital systems he examines. I have one of the earlier digital x-ray systems in Seattle. I got it for several reasons. The most important is reducing x-ray exposure to the patient. The second is it gives me an excellent image that I can look at and show the patient if they are interested. The third is that it is faster and the fourth is that there is no need for the toxic developing and fixing chemicals. So the office air is healthier to breathe and we do not need to dispose of these toxic chemicals into the environment.
Your dental and overall health is our primary concern. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. I love doing dentistry and helping people be well.
The best to you!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
New Changes to Our Office Staff!
Brooke and her husband recently moved to Texas to further their volunteer work, they will live there for a few months while getting prepared.....then its off to Africa! Brooke was a fundamental part of our team here.
Lacey also has new adventures in her future away from our office. She's now a proud new Mom! We'd like to welcome her new baby boy Asher! They are both doing great and we are very happy for Lacey and her husband. We wish both Brooke and Lacey all the best in their exciting new endeavors and they will be missed.
So due to these recent changes we have a new addition to our team. Our newest member will be sharing the ranks with Katlyn in assisting Dr. Stickney. So we wanted to take some time and let you get to know her!
"Hi, I'm excited to introduce myself to everyone. My name is Shandi Luellen. I've recently joined Dr. Stickney's team as a Dental Assistant taking over for Brooke, who is a close personal friend of mine as well. Which is how I got in touch with this wonderful office and staff. I am a Washington local. I grew up in Marysville. I started working in a dental office when I was 14 as a sterilization technician. My mother, aunt and cousin all worked in the same office so naturally I followed. I came to enjoy the dental field very much, so I attended the Sno-Isle Skill Center Dental Assisting Program in 2000. After completing the course, I continued on the job training and have been assisting ever since. I have worked for a variety of different dentists ranging from general to cosmetic to neuromuscular dentistry, where we would correct TMD/TMJ disorders as well as full mouth rehabilitation correcting the teeth aesthetics and function of the bite. I am thrilled to have been invited into Dr. Stickney's practice and to continue learning about incorporating holistic methods to truly benefit each patient individually. Its been a pleasure meeting some of you already and I'm excited to meet all of our patients soon.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Dental Implant Maintenance
We are so happy to have Annika as the new hygienist in our office. With her expert help and care, we can insure that we are maintaining our patient's dental implants to the best of our ability. We feel that it is extremely important to care for restorations appropriately in insure their ultimate longevity for our patients. This is beneficial for the oral and overall health of the patient and their pocket books.
Treating Gum Disease In Mothers
What should we take from this new study? Periodontal disease is serious and needs to be treated with urgency. Now mothers, who may have put off treatment of their gum disease because of the concern it would affect their babies, can now feel confident about continuing treatment. Even though the study did not show it would improve the health of the baby, it will improve the oral and overall health of the mother. (Although Dr. Jeffcoat a dentist at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia stated that the study couldn't completely rule out that treatment might benefit the baby in some cases. And there have been studies that link periodontal disease to low birth weight in babies.) So, first and foremost, for pregnant and nursing mothers as well as everyone else, the primary goal is prevention. Brush and floss properly everyday to avoid gum disease. But in the case you do end up with gum disease, which pregnant woman seem to be more susceptible to because of hormonal changes, pregnant and nursing mothers do not have to, or shouldn't, put treatment on the back-burner.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
First Annual AAOSCH Scientific Meeting
Hello everyone. As a founding member of AAOSCH, American Academy for Oral Systemic Health, I am very excited to be attending our first annual meeting on June 24-25, 2011 in Chicago, Illinois. There is clear evidence of the link between periodontal disease and other health issues such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes; therefore, it is imperative that each care provider be aware of the seriousness of early diagnosis and early treatment of both heart disease and chronic infections such as periodontal disease.
This meeting will be extremely helpful in connecting medical and dental professionals in their quest for prevention of these serious diseases. The goal is to create a working partnership between the medical and dental communities, helping each to identify and understand their role in this prevention and treatment.
As my role as dentist, I am looking forward to learning how to best partner with medical physicians in order to provide my patients the best possible care.
The course objectives are as follows:
• To show that both systemic health and oral health are important to save the lives of our patients that are at risk for arterial disease, including heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
• To show the scientific evidence that the body is interconnected and that disease at any location may present risk to all areas of the body: not just the area affected.
• To help create a strategy of early intervention for all health care professionals in the earlier diagnosis and treatment of these patients. Including …
• When should a dentist refer a patient to a physician? Why?
• When should a physician refer a patient to a dentist? Why?
• What tests will the physician run?
• What tests will the dentist run?
• What risks do these combined tests and evaluations equate to regarding heart disease, stroke and diabetes?
• Who should each clinician refer to?
• To show the cumulative effect of many sources of inflammation that may increase risk: Including the oral / systemic connection.
• To help create a community of physicians and dentists that understands how to evaluate risk, to communicate with each other, and to effectively treat these patients.
The panel of speakers for this meeting is very impressive, including:
Bradley Bale, MD
Amy Doneen, RN, BSN, MSN, ARNP
Thomas W. Nabors, DDS, F.A.C.D
Casey Hein, RDH, BSDH, MBA
Duane Keller, DMD - Chief Scientific Officer for Perio Protect LLC
G. Lee Ostler, DDS
Robert Maccario, MBA
I am happy to see that more and more medical and dental professionals are understanding the importance of oral systemic health and are altering the care they provide to adapt to this new information. I feel it is equally important to share this information with my patients, in order for them to make the best possible decisions regarding their health and future. I am looking forward to reporting back to you after I have attended this meeting with further information!
Thank you and be well,
Dr. Rick Stickney
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Introducing Our New Hygienist, Annika Mundus!
"Hello, I would like to introduce myself to everyone. My name is Annika Mundus and I recently joined Dr. Stickney's team as a dental hygienist. I grew up in Squaw Valley, California skiing and snowboarding to my hearts content. I began as a dental assistant when I was 17 and found that I truly enjoyed the field of dentistry. I decided to become a dental hygienist and attended Forsyth School for Dental Hygienists which was affiliated with Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts. I graduated in 2002 Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science of Dental Hygiene. I have worked in a variety of offices, some traditional and some that tried to incorporate holistic ideals. I am excited to join Dr. Stickney and his staff and continue learning about true holistic dentistry. I look forward to meeting all of our patients!
I briefly wanted to share an experience with you. Recently, we had a patient come in and he was surprised to find out that he had several new areas of decay that required restorations. When doctor Stickney asked about his diet he said that he has been eating a lot of trail mix with dried fruit. I too had a similar experience with dried fruits. I spent a few months on a road trip and had almonds and dried apricots as a snack and came home with a few new cavities of my own. Here is what happened to both of us: Dried fruit contains a high amount of sugar and is sticky. Small bits of dried fruit stick in the pits and grooves of the chewing surface of the tooth between brushings. The bacteria consumes the sugars and as a biproduct of metabolizing the sugars, the bacteria produces acid that demineralizes the enamel and causes tooth decay. The longer the sugar is present on the tooth, the more it is available to be metabolized by bacteria, the more acid is produced, the more tooth decay! Sticky sweets, even healthful dried fruits, can cause cavities.
We look forward to you all meeting her!
Thank you and be well,
Rick Stickney and Team
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Periodontal Disease and Your Health
Recently, we have been focusing a lot of attention on periodontal disease and the Perio Protect Treatment. There has been so much new information regarding periodontal disease and the link to your overall health, that I feel that it is important to continue sharing it with you. We have many patients that are currently using the Perio Protect Trays with hydrogen peroxide and antioxidant medications to treat their gum disease and are having great results. We have some updated information that we wanted to make sure to pass on to our Perio Protect users, to ensure you are receiving the utmost benefits:
Previously, you were instructed to brush and floss before using your trays. We now have new direction to use the trays prior to brushing and flossing. The reason for this is that when you brush and floss your teeth you are disturbing the oral bacteria and releasing it into your system. When you use your Perio Protect Trays first, you will be killing off 99% of the bad bacteria prior to brushing and flossing, therefore, limiting your body's exposure to the harmful bacteria. So if you are currently using the trays, please alter your routine to using the trays prior to brushing and flossing.
We also want to emphasize the importance of using the trays more than once a day if you currently have periodontitis or gingivitis. I have added a extremely motivating video to this blog that I encourage you to watch. It shows a plate sample of oral bacterial and it's growth within a 24 hour period of time under high magnification. When you use your trays you are killing off 99% of the bad bacteria. As shown in the video, any remaining bacteria in your mouth quickly will multiply and within a 24 hour period of time return full force. Therefore, it is important to use the trays multiple times as a day, as directed, to keep the bacteria level low so your gum tissue has time to heal.
Negative Effects of Periodontal Disease
Biofilm, communities of bacteria found on teeth and gum, causes inflammation of the gum tissue. Since the gum tissue is only three cell walls thick, toxic bacteria can make its way through the gum tissue into the blood stream. Once the bacteria reaches the blood stream it can be linked to major health problems. For example, did you know that if you have periodontal disease you are:
168% more likely to develop Heart Disease
250% more likely to have a Stroke
300% more likely to get Osteoporosis and
700% more likely to have a low birth weight baby?
Researchers have also found oral bacteria in the artery walls of the heart and in blood vessels. C Reactive Protein is a measure of inflammation in the body and can be measured by blood work. Many physicians view elevated C Reactive Protein as more predictive of a future heart attack than high cholesterol! Inflammation is a healthy person's response to injury or infection. The inflammatory process alerts our immune system which helps us to heal. However, when inflammation becomes chronic, it becomes a major health problem.
A colleague of mine, Dr. Ostler, put together a bibliography of almost 1,000 studies conducted showing the negative effects of periodontal disease to your systemic (overall) health. We have this bibliography in our office for those of you who like see for yourself the eye-opening results.
I am personally committed to helping my patients to attain their ultimate health. As we can see, treating periodontal disease is part of this process. Please contact our office if you would like further information about periodontal disease and the Perio Protect Treatment.
Thank you and be well.
Dr. Rick Stickney and Team
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Continuing Education: Gum Disease and Overall Health
We have been utilizing the Perio Protect System in our practice for almost two years with impressive results. I recently had the opportunity to attend the first annual Perio Protect annual meeting in Las Vegas on April 8th and 9th 2011. There were two days of presentations from the inventor of the Perio Protect system, various dentists and a Periodontist.
There were several take home messages from the conference I would like to share with you:
1. Two years ago the medical research was saying periodontal infection was a PROBABLE causative factor in heart disease and other medical diseases such as strokes, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis and pregnancy problems. Now, the medical research is saying periodontal infection IS a causative in the disease process along with other causative factors. Oral pathogenic (disease causing) bacteria cause infection that affect your dental health and general health. Now we have scientific validation of what I have been saying for many years.
2. Oxygen therapy has been proven to kill the pathogen bacteria. The proven way to do this is with Perio Protect Trays and hydrogen peroxide medication. Hydrogen peroxide liberates the oxygen that gets rid of the bad bugs.
3. A new study showed that for most people brushing and flossing alone did not control their dental disease over time. I have seen so many patients that brush and floss very well and eat a good diet and yet they still have decay or gum problems.
4. Using Perio Protect Trays with Hydrogen peroxide and other medicaments is becoming a foundation tool to protect your dental and overall health and well being.
5. If a person has gum inflammation, the simple act of eating increases bacterial toxins 400 percent in the person’s blood stream.
I believe in being a role model for my patients. Ever since having my old dental amalgam fillings removed improved my health over night, the mouth-body connection has fascinated me. I have been exploring natural health for many years. I believe the drug and surgery oriented approach that is in use in our health care system is flawed. Drugs and surgery can be important, but they do not solve the cause of disease. When I place a restoration on a tooth, it preserves the tooth. However, if we do not do something to alter what caused the need for the restoration then the problem will come back.
Perio Protect is a fantastic tool for stripping oral biofilm and reducing the risk of oral pathogens causing further dental disease and system problems.
Two books I have recently read and put to use are:
The Secret of Instant Healing, Author: Frank Kinslow
The Immortality Edge, Authors: Dr. Fossel, Greta Blackburn and Dr. Woynarowski
For mediators or people who are interested in meditation, The Secret of Instant Healing book is fantastic. Dr. Kinslow teaches you how to instantly go into the Gap. I spent many years getting there but not being able to replicate it easily. It can take years of constant work. Well, not anymore! Dr. Kinslow shows you how to do it in a matter of minutes. The beauty is that you can easily go back into this peaceful state anytime you want.
The Immortality Edge is a book about the latest research in anti-aging medicine. It focuses on how to prolong your health and life by preserving and protecting your telomeres. Telomeres protect your DNA. Every time your cells divide your telomeres become shorter. Short telomeres means your cells are approaching the end stage. When enough cells are at the end stage, organ systems are in trouble and people die as a result.
At a conference I was once attended a doctor said, “I want to die young, just at a later date.” I became so interested in this idea and the research found in this book that I decided to search for more information. I found an interview and presentation by one of the authors, Dr. Woynarowski, that I listened to attentively. I wanted even more information, so I contacted the company that developed TA-65, which is a nutraceutical discussed in this book. I have followed the process, and now I am now certified to prescribe this nutraceutical to my patients. TA-65 is very interesting. It is extracted from Astragalus, the Chinese herb. TA-65 is the only substance that has been proven to actually increase telomere length. This preserves your cells. The health of your body is the health of your cells. I highly recommend this book, if long term health and well being are important to you.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Office Staff Continuing Education
In order to keep my practice up to date with the latest procedures and technology, I am devoted to participate in as much continuing education possible. That being said, I wanted to update you on the latest seminars my staff and I have been able to attend.
'Restoring Implants and Their Surrounding Teeth'
Presented By: Dr. Tony Mancuso
Office Attendees: Dr. Richard Stickney
Dr. Mancuso is known for being one of Canada's leading experts on restorative dentistry. In this particular seminar, he focused on the restoration of implants and surrounding teeth. A dental implant is an artificial tooth replacement used to replace missing teeth and prevent or stop jaw bone loss. Dental implants have become a large and important part of restorative and cosmetic dentistry. Therefore, I believe it is very important for the welfare of my patients that I am fully educated and updated about the implant process and restoration of previous implant work. This seminar focused on pretreatment considerations for proper treatment outcomes, treatment planning for crowns and bridges, mini implants, restoring full mouth reconstructions utilizing implants and porcelain restorations. I also appreciate and support Dr. Mancuso's approach to placing crown margins above gum tissue in order to prevent gum disease. This is not a process all dentists incorporate, but I find that keeping the margins above the gum tissue prevents bacterial build up and infection. I found Dr. Tony Mancuso and his seminar very informative and interesting. I look forward to implementing the tools and information he presented to better serve you!
'Dentrix Insight Seminar'
Presented By: Dentrix Software Representative, Dayna Johnson
Office Attendees: Kendra Kyselica, Front Office
Previously, we had announced to you that we transitioned over to a new dental software, Dentrix, in order to be more efficient and serve you better. Kendra was able to attend this continuing education seminar to ensure our office is able to take full advantage of the Dentrix services and benefits. One of the highlights of the seminar was how to go paperless! This is something that our office has been striving for, in order to keep up with all the technical advances and of course, to support our environment. Also beneficial was the information on how to more effectively follow up with you! This new software enables us to better track your upcoming appointments and needs so that we can make sure we are giving you the very best service possible. In addition, we have been able to implement the very helpful Dentrix treatment planning tool. This enables us to print and or email you your treatment plan! The treatment plan layout is very simple and informative so that you can be as educated as possible about your dental needs. We can even print out or email you a graphic chart showing you your plan more visually. So far we are very happy with this new software and look forward to using it even more fully in the future!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Seattle Met Magazine Top Dentists 2011


